I’ve been a horse trainer for nearly 34 years and I have been bucked off, stomped on, drug across the dirt, fallen on top of and rope burnt too many times to count. Needless to say, my body has taken a beating over the years.
When I hit my fifties, I started feeling a lot of changes in my body and mind. I was gaining weight and not just a little! I was always tired, craving that afternoon nap and my joints hurt so bad I could hardly open and close my hands or get on and off my horses. The worst part, I couldn’t run and play with my grandkids.
Then as life always adds insult to injury, I was forced to undergo a hysterectomy and I gained 34 lbs. When I looked at my tired face and leathered hands I would question, “Is this it for me?” My heart ached and I sunk further into my “nap chair” and accepted this fate. I felt & looked older than dirt! I was tired, fat, wrinkled, unhealthy, useless & scared. My whole body ached, even my heart.
So, I did what most do. I gave in. I told myself, this is what it's like to grow old. I didn’t care what I ate because I was fat already and that was that. I started wearing baggier clothes to try to hide the weight but mostly to hide the shame. I stopped enjoying riding my horses because it caused so much pain afterward. I took naps every day. I honestly lived in self-pity and acceptance of the end.
Then one day my Grandson patted me on my belly and said, “Nana, you have a really fat tummy”. At that exact moment everything changed. I was overcome with disgust. Disgust for the way that I had been choosing to live. It wasn’t about being fat that disgusted me. It was about choosing to miss out on moments with my grandbabies. It was about them seeing their Nana not live her best life and later accepting that in their own lives. I thought, “Crap this sucks!” I was devastated!
It wasn’t long after that, I got a phone call about joining a Health and wellness business. I thought oh crap, another one of these get skinny fast fads. But, I had a nagging feeling, you know the one where God puts things in front of you right when you need them most. So I said, what the heck, take my credit card. After all, what’s the worst that can happen, I lose weight and get some free products.
My first week going through this no bs approach to eating, living, and supplementing a better life, I lost 7 lbs. Seven flipping pounds! I was elated but still a bit skeptical.
However, over the next few weeks, my skepticism warshed away. My energy shot through the roof. No more afternoon naps for this nana. And, the weight kept melting off. I began opening and closing my hands without feeling any stiff joint pain. I could get on and off my horses without using the mounting block. My skin began to glow, even my skin doctor asked me what I was using. I was running with my grandkids and even climbing into their treehouse for tea.
After 4.5 short months, I had lost 34 lbs. My skin was looking amazing. My confidence was soaring. My zest for life was back! I was totally blown away with my results. I’m sixty one now and have kept this weight off for two years and feel and look better than I did even in my forties! This nana is Sixty and Sexy! And best of all, My grandson told me, I didn’t look like a nana anymore I looked like a mama!
I couldn't keep this to myself so I began to share. I've witnessed countless testimonies and seen transformation after transformation. And this is my life's passion! I want you to find your inner zest and confidence again. I want you to get your sexy back at any age. Trust me, if this Nana can do it, so can you!
Download Debby’s 10 Tips for Dramatic Weightloss Success!